Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Year.... New Me...

Setiap mendekati akhir tahun, rasanya hampir semua orang berkata seperti itu. Tahun baru, harapan baru, hidup baru…
Well, I am no different.. setiap akhir tahun, selalu ada daftar panjang tentang hal-hal dan harapan yang ingin dicapai di tahun yang baru itu.
Were my wish lists do come true? Hmmm… let’s see..
In 2001, I had my one and only wish, which was all about the man that I hoped to be my true love… well, that dream obviously did not come true..
In 2003, It was about my school, and it turns out that it actually happened.. not exactly the way I wanted it though… but it did happen…
In 2008, I wanted to learn how to play Piano, learn Spanish, but that was just a dream… I was just to lazy at that time.. did not have enough time also..
In 2010, I really want to go Umrah with my family, but unfortunately we couldn't do that.. God had the other plan for my parents though..
And in this upcoming year, 2011, I just want something simple…
Something that I’ve always wanted.. not just because it’s a new year.. but because it’s everybody’s dream..
Just wanna be a better person.. who surrounded by love.. who can make a tiny little move just to make everyone proud..
Simple, right?
Oh, and one more thing, I really do wish to be happy…
Happy New Year!!!

Sunday, December 19, 2010

If I say, "I do"


May you never steal, lie, or cheat, 
but if you must steal, then steal away my sorrows, 
and if you must lie, lie with me all the nights of my life, 
and if you must cheat, then please cheat death 
because I couldn't live a day without you....

(Bride, from the Leap Year movie)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

I.. am.. not.. a.. Loser!

‎​I might be a quiter..
But I'm definitely not a loser..
I just know the best time to stop..
After I did everything I can..
So, no..
I am not a loser..

Aq bukannya ga mau berusaha..
Aq bukannya ga tau kalau menyerah itu hal yg ga disukai Allah
Aq bukannya suka hidup dalam ketidakpastian..
Tapi aq uda berusaha..
I did everything I can.. The best I can..
Tapi aq hanya manusia..
Bukan aq yang nentuin semuanya..
Bukan aq yang bisa bilang sesuatu bakal bisa terjadi atau tidak..
Bukan aq yang tau sampai kapan aq sanggup bertahan..
Aq cuma manusia..
Yang udah berkali2 mencoba untuk bisa lulus dari ujian kesabaran ini..
Yang hanya ingin suatu saat ada orang yang berkata "well done, Olga.. You did well.. Hasil akhir bukan segalanya.. Tapi usahamulah yang lebih berarti.."
Yang hanya ingin sebuah pegangan saat roda hidup mulai berputar ke bawah..
Aq manusia..
Bukan peri..
Bukan malaikat..
Bukan nabi..

‎​I've said "give up" a lot, yet I'm still trying to do everything I can to make things work..
And that's make me a fighter..
Don't you dare calling me a loser!